Usually its unthinkable to leave the house without just the right amount of war-paint to face the day. No pun intended. So as a professional make-up artist, it is imperative to ensure my own make-up is impeccable, flawless and glowing- after all would you trust your training with a morbidly obese gym-instructor? A blind optician anyone? Or a life guard who didn't swim. Hmmm, thought not.
So what's a girl to do? I use the term girl loosely as the big 4-O is moments away, so for me the term "natural beauty" is a only fond memory of my teens. Dilemma, to powder or not to powder? Deep breath, big plunge, I go for the latter.
So for the Make-up (less) Artist, here's my top 5 tips of not frightening the world, remaining natural and using your precious time for something more useful; like drinking wine.
- Moisturise. Obvious, oh yes. Really, this one is non-negotiable.
- Brush. Teeth? Certainly. Also try a dry toothbrush gently over the lips. For a lip-smacking mwah!
- Vaseline...double up for a bit of clear brow tidy. Might look rather interesting if you used a coloured lip-balm though! If suitable, it can also make a great clear massara if used sparingly on the tips of those curled lashes. Top tip for the boys too!
- Pinch those cheeks. Yes, my Granny gave me this tip too - but it does actually work. Don't pinch too hard, we're looking for blushes not bruises.
- Conceal. Okay I cheated, as this is actually a bit of make-up. But in my defence you can do so much with one product, it can be your entire non-make-up routine in a flash.
- Disguise those dark circles
- Hide those blemishes
- Dot a little at the inner corner of the eye to open those peepers up.
- Smudge well-in a tinny bit under the edge of the brow to give definition.
- Smear, if needed, a wee smidgen around the bottom of the nose and corners of the mouth to banish those dark shadows & add a bit youthful spin
- Blend, blend, blend over any small patches to even out skin tone.
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